When we start our journeys, most of us have our "beginning weight" and our "goal weight", right? We know how many pounds it is estimated we can lose in a healthy manner in a weeks' time (the tools on CC can let you find that out). We know WHEN it is estimated we can expect to lose the weight. So, the countdown begins.
Every day, week, or month (whatever you find works for you) we make that visit to the scale to find out how we are doing in our progress. We are counting our calories. We have cut that 3rd piece of cake out of our nightly dessert. We even cut back on the libations we used to partake so greatly in. Not to mention all the "Sweatin' to the Oldies" and "Turbo Jam" we have done. I mean, we have burned more calories in a week than my husband has burned hotdogs at the yearly barbeque! So, why then, has that scale not budged?
Before you drop kick it out the new Pella window you just had installed, step away from the scale. Take a deep breath, sit down, and think. Think about the WHOLE picture. Don't get tunnel vision. You need to remember that you are in this for the long haul. So, if you didn't lose weight this week, but you know you have put in 110%, you have to look elsewhere to see that it IS paying off. What HAVE you noticed this week, or month? Did you notice that you don't feel the urge to have 'just one more bite' of that cake? Did you notice that you didn't even miss that diet soda you used to have every afternoon?
I bet you didn't even realize that you actually LIKE breaking a sweat when you work out, and might actually even look forward to it now? See, I realize that it's not the same as seeing the number go down when you stand on the scale. However, these new habits will more than likely remain for a long time to come. And, these are things you should be proud of and that can help you to stay motivated and not give up.
If you MUST look for numerical gratification, there is one more place you can go - the tape measure. Find your sewing box, and dig out that tape measure. If you haven't measured before, consider this your "starting" point. And now, in addition to just watching the pounds, you can mind your inches.
See, inches are not always obvious. So, you might get on the scale and not see a difference. But, when you take that tape measure out and realize that you have lost .5" in a month on your arm or calf, or waist, wherever....it will prove that you ARE succeeding. Don't ask me why, but for ME, an inch lost is a greater accomplishment than a pound shed. It just makes me happy. It is MY own personal reassurance that I AM succeeding and that, even when the scale is being "stupid", progress is being made.
So, I guess what I am saying is that everyone is different. You cannot measure YOUR success by the success of others. Our bodies are different. Our goals are different. Our lives are different. The way one person progresses in their journey might not be the same as how you progress in yours. After all, you might be taking different paths. It's not a race. It's a life long commitment to better health, a happier being, and a greater sense of self worth. And, if you can find a scale that will tell you all of that, well... let me know.
Until then.....you need to remember that you DO measure up. Be proud of your successes. I am proud of them!