I am curious as to whether or not many people will show up since the weather is dark and gloomy.
It's been raining all day.
Weather plays a HUGE role in the attendance of my classes. It's a delicate balance.
If it's too cold, they don't come.
If it's too sunny and nice out, they don't come.
If it's dark and gloomy, they don't come.
It almost has to be the "perfect storm" of a day to be the perfect day to get a good size class.
I get it though.
Who wants to leave the warmth of their house when it's cold and possibly snowing out?
Who wants to be cooped up inside when it's delightful and sunny outside and you could be enjoying it?
Who wants to get wet from the rain when they could stay?
There are so many reasons NOT to come to my (or any other instructors) classes that when a student DOES come, I am still, to this day, always sort of surprised and incredibly humbled.
With SO many other choices, they chose to come spend time with ME.
Whooda thunkit?
While I realize it might not be MY personal wit or amazing personality and incredible teaching skills that they are coming for, but rather, the opportunity to move, shake, sweat and burn off some calories.
Mine might just be the most convenient option.
However, they DID come to MY class and so I am elated!
Each time I come home from teaching, my husband says "How was class?"
I usually reply "Great! "insert number of students here" came!.
He always laughs and says "Will you ever stop being surprised that you had people show up?
I always say "Probably not."
I teach because I love it and it makes me happy.
If I ended up in the room by myself with nothing but the music to keep me company, I would still dance.
However, when that first, then 2nd, and each one following arrives to the class and I realize that I am not alone, I think to myself....
They like me. They might really like me :) And that is great, because I really like them all too.