Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Perceived Beauty

I just watched a video clip from the Dove soap campaign about "real beauty."
It truly touched me.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches

We are always telling each other (females, at least) how beautiful each other is (well, our FRIENDS, at least...cuz let's face it; women are a bit catty and can say some horrible things to those we are not close to or friends with.
However, no matter how many times someone might tell you that you are beautiful, how many of us really believe it?  "Oh, he's my husband. He has to say that."    "She's my best friend. It's her job to tell me I look good."
You get what I mean.

You think  your butt's too big.  The woman behind you in line at the grocery store wishes she filled her jeans out like you do.
You think your breasts are too small.  The lady trying on bathing suits in the dressing room next to you wishes she didn't have to wear a 1 piece because hers fall out of her bikini top.
You think your chin is pointed.  But someone else would be happy to just have one.
And the cycle continues for them.....

I don't just say it, I truly believe it though.
If you usually wear make up, but you are running late so you forget to put it on, that is the day I am almost certain to say "you look really nice today" and you will think I am kidding or something.
But, for me, natural beauty is the ultimate.

I have small boobs.
I am super short.
I have so many freckles on my arms you could play connect the dots.
I am so pasty white that I glow in the dark.

I can wear tops that others cannot (and go without a bra if I really want to! LOL)
I can duck underneath things easily and blend in/hide when necessary.
I like freckles.
I serve as a beacon in the night for those who are lost....

It's all in how you look at it.
The point is - you need to look at yourself with a softer view and less criticism.
It's not easy. I know this.  But it IS possible.
Cuz, you ARE beautiful.


MichelleO said...

Great words to hear, VERY hard to put into action, especially now that summer (and more skin & scrutiny)lie before us. Sigh..in the words of Pink (F*in Perfect) "Why do I do that, why do we do that?"

MC Derin said...

True, Michelle.
It IS easier said than done.
But,the more it is said, the more it MIGHT hopefully be believed?