Saturday, July 27, 2013

I am NOT organic.

So, I am trudging along on this dairy free, gluten free, and most recently, soy free journey.
I am learning a lot.  One of the most glaring things I have noticed is that I am not the typical customer for the stores that I have begun shopping in.

David's Natural Market has become my "go to' shop.
It is convenient, and for ME, at least, has the best selection of the items I am looking for.
The thing is, David's, much like  MOM's and Trader Joe's, and all the others, is a primarily organic market.
That is fabulous and well and good. 
However, I do not shop there for organic foods. I shop for dairy, gluten and soy free foods.
If they happen to be organic, woo hoo!
If not, whatever.

So, what I am learning is that I must never, ever, no matter how tempted I am, make small talk w/ the cashier.  One false move and it comes out that I eat foods that are NOT organic and I might be shunned.
I simply cannot afford for this to happen.
Gluten/dairy free food is NOT cheap and I do not have the funds to be forced to order them via mail order.

Look, I get it. Organic is awesome. It's great. Seriously, I mean that.
But you are talking to a girl who also believes in Western Medicine.
So, it goes to stand that the 'organic' folk would still see me as a hypocrite if I eat stuff that hasn't been sprayed with stuff, but I put pills in my body that are man made.
But here's the thing - those man made pills have helped me manage chronic pain for almost 20 years that no amount of physical therapy or other therapy for that matter has.
So, again, I don't knock the 'other ways' but I am sorta fond of my way.

If going down this gluten/dairy/soy and whatever else I discover my body  revolts against, road I just HAPPEN to add more organic stuff into my life, I will happily accept it.
However, that is not MY goal. 
MY goal is to get my bowels to stop having conversations with me at inappropriate times.
MY goal is to keep the amount of gas that my body expels to at least less than that which my car uses per mile.
Simple goals, but important (to me) ones.

I am a lot of things. Brutally honest. Sorta funny.  Incredibly short. 
However, is NOT one of them.

1 comment:

Keri said...

I love you! I am in the same boat, lol.